General photogallery of graphics artworks, drawing india ink and color
Here there are all the images about the pages dedicated to the drawing artworks, india ink and color, made by Mario and Michelangelo Eremita.
This paintings are made on silver plate 925/000 with enamel paints. They are miniatures on precious metal, measures are from cm 5×6 to cm 15×15. Mario Eremita’s artworks are presented here. He has been making these small collections since 1977.
This paintings are made on silver plate 925/000 with enamel paints. They are miniatures on precious metal, measures are from cm 5×6 to cm 15×15. Mario Eremita’s artworks are presented here. He has been making these small collections since 1977.
Some paintings can be reproduced in limited editions signed and numbered. In this case the silkscreen reproduction on silver plate 925/000 was carried out. The theme is an enamel painting the artist Mario Eremita made exclusively for Komatsu S.p.A. Italy.
The silkscreens on precious metal can be made starting from a minimum size of 10×10 cm.
This paintings are made on silver plate 925/000 with enamel paints. They are miniatures on precious metal, measures are from cm 5×6 to cm 15×15. Mario Eremita’s artworks are presented here. He has been making these small collections since 1977.
This paintings are made on silver plate 925/000 with enamel paints. They are miniatures on precious metal, measures are from cm 5×6 to cm 15×15. Mario Eremita’s artworks are presented here. He has been making these small collections since 1977.
This paintings are made on silver plate 925/000 with enamel paints. They are miniatures on precious metal, measures are from cm 5×6 to cm 15×15. Mario Eremita’s artworks are presented here. He has been making these small collections since 1977.
This paintings are made on silver plate 925/000 with enamel paints. They are miniatures on precious metal, measures are from cm 5×6 to cm 15×15. Mario Eremita’s artworks are presented here. He has been making these small collections since 1977.