tabule fenestrate sacred themes painting on wood by mario eremita

Tabule Fenestrate, sacred themes

Painting on wood inspired by Byzantine icons and the triptych of the “Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch

Painted with enamels on three hinged wood boards. The technique allows to maintain thin thicknesses and multiple glazes to obtain effects of particular brilliance and brightness. Here is a series of artworks created between 2007 and 2015. The artworks are inspired by the byzantine icons and by the triptych of “Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch and are suitable for display on furniture rather than hanging on the wall.

The themes are dedicated to the catholic religion.

The Crucifixion #02

Artwork from 2015, closed format cm 21×23, open format cm 42×23

Madonna and Child #01, indigo

Artwork from 2008, closed format cm 24×30, open format 48×30

tabula fenestrata sacred themes painting on wood by Mario Eremita

Wedding at Cana #01, bourdeaux red

Artwork from 2015, closed format cm 30×34, open format cm 60×34

Holy Family #01, midnight blue

Artwork from 2007, closed format cm 24×30, open format cm 48×30

tabula fenestrata sacred themes painting on wood by Mario Eremita

Holy Family #02, amaranth

Artwork from 2013, closed format cm 50×70, open format cm 100×70

Holy Family #03, Venezia

Artwork from 2011, closed format cm 50×70, open format cm 100×70

Holy Family #04, olive trees

Artwork from 2015, closed format cm , open format cm

Holy Family #05 yellow

Artwork from 2015, closed format cm 21×23, open format cm 42×23

Holy Family #06, green

Artwork from 2014, closed format cm 24×32, open format cm 48×32

Holy Family #07, purple

Artwork from 2014, close format cm 32×50, open format cm 64×50

Holy Family #08, blue

Artwork from 2014, closed format cm 32×50, open format cm 64×50

Holy Family #09, ocher

Opera del 2015, formato chiuso cm , formato aperto cm

Last Supper #01, purple

Artwork from 2012, closed format cm 50×70, open format cm 100×70

Last Supper #02, red

Artwork from 2014, closed format cm 24×32, open format cm 48×32

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    tabule fenestrate teofilo folengo painting on wood by mario eremita

    Tabule Fenestrate, Teofilo Folengo

    Painting on wood inspired by Byzantine icons and the triptych ot the “Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch

    Painted with enamels on three hinged wood boards. Made on 2010 by the master Mario Eremita. The technique allows to maintain thin thicknesses and multiple glazes to obtain effects of particular brilliance and brightness. The closed dimensions are cm 48 x 65, open cm 95 x 65. The artwork is inspired by Byzantine icons and the triptych of the “Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch and is suitable for display on furniture rather than hanging on the wall.

    The theme is dedicated to Gerolamo Folengo better known by the pseudonymus of Teofilo Folengo, Merlin Coccajo, Merlin Cocai, Limerno Pitocco, italian poet born in Mantova on 8 november 1491 and died in Campese on 9 december 1544, exponent of macaronic poetry.

    In particular, here is one of the most famous scenes taken from Baldus, a parody of chivalcric poems, in which the hero Baldus is fed the famous gnocchi by the muses. The infernal pumpkin appears in the background. Following are some images of the artwork and a short documentary that intends to expose the meanings contained in it and place the artwork in the time in which Folengo lived.

    tabula fenestrated Baldus Teofilo Folengo by Mario Eremita painting on wood
    dal Baldus di Teofilo Folengo ( Merlin Cocai )

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