artistic embellishments mural painting at Alacqua’s House Venice Mestre “Concordia et Abundantia”
Mural painting made directly on wall with special paints and 24 kt gold leaf. The overall dimensions are approximately 4 by 2.5 meters. The subjects are figurative and dedicated to music, symbol of harmony and to the horn of plenty, symbol of abundance.
The artwork was treated with shades of pink and gray to emulate the hard rhodochrosite stone, according to the wishes of the client, Mr. Alacqua.

The human figure, in the forms of cherubs and girls, is Mario Eremita’s favorite subject. Humanity integrally runs through the entire imagination of this artist: from grace to the apocalypse.
Even in commissioned artworks, which must necessarily be carried out in accordance with precise needs, the talented artist is able to express his own personal style without distorting himself, but rather by broadening the codification.