arte e grafica caos artisti associati

Art & Graphics

drawings, playing cards, color prints, black & white prints, silk-screen printing, glicée, digital prints on paper, canvas or other supports.

Color and black & white drawings dedicated to traditions, to the game, to the imagination, to the history. Here we have some of the most important thematic works of the artist Mario Eremita.

There are the collection of: Regional Playing Cards, Rummy Cards, Neapolitan Tarot Cards, French Tarot Cards, Egyptian Tarot Cards, Venetian Tarot Cards, Erotic Tarot Cards and more other classic and original subjects.

Works are the result of the artist’s commitment over decades from the seventies of the twentieth century. They are the artist’s tribute to popular and universal symbols and meanings. These symbols and meanings combine, in the original graphic imagination, ancestral themes of intense value and imediate understanding.

These original works are reproduced in numbered and signed prints.

Smartroom the forty italian playing cards by Mario Eremita

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